عہدِ نبوی (ﷺ)مکی دورکےنظامِ مالیات کا جائزہ  : دفاعی نقطہ نظر سے

An Overview of the Financial System in Makki Era: From a Defensive Point of View


  • Muhmmad Salamat Ullah M.Phil Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies ,University of Agriculture Peshawar
  • Prof. Dr. Syed Naeem Badshah Chairman,Department of Islamic Studies, The University of Agriculture Peshawar


Islamic State System, Islamic Defense System, Islamic Financial System


Islam gives great importance to its financial system as well as its defense system. If the financial system is strong, so the defense system should also be strong. The usefulness and importance of Financial System has never been hidden from anyone. In the Holy Quran, wealth has been described as a means of survival for human life. Financial system is considered to be a backbone of every Islamic State. Nevertheless, it is pre-requisite to discuss its resources and applications. Just as an Islamic State needs a stable financial system, in the same way it also needs strong defense system. Whether it’s related to internal or external threats such as spending money on the military etc. we cannot deny its importance.

In the Makki Era, the financial system did not exist in an organized and regular form, because it was the earliest period of Islam. In fact, the Makki Era was a time of training and purification for Muslims. However, from defensive point of view during this period more emphasis was on increasing the Muslim Work Force. In that period Islamic State did not exist, but at the same time, steps were taken to strengthen the economic system of individuals. 






How to Cite

Muhmmad Salamat Ullah, & Prof. Dr. Syed Naeem Badshah. (2022). عہدِ نبوی (ﷺ)مکی دورکےنظامِ مالیات کا جائزہ  : دفاعی نقطہ نظر سے: An Overview of the Financial System in Makki Era: From a Defensive Point of View. Research Journal of Religious Thoughts, 1(01), 49–74. Retrieved from https://joreligiousthoughts.com/index.php/Home/article/view/5