المعلقات السبع وقدمها في الشعر العربي

The status and antiquity of the Seven Hangings in Arabic poetry DOI: https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.10840631.svg


  • Dr. Abdul Majeed Baghdadi Associate Professor/Chairman Department of Arabic AIOU, Islamabad
  • Abida Shaheen EST (v) Head Teacher Govt.Girls Primary School & Insaaf Afternoon School Sojhanda  


The concept of the Mu'allaqat, according to the comprehensive dictionary of meanings, indicates that they are several poems dating back to the pre-Islamic era, and their number is seven, eight, or ten poems. The Mu'allaqat are considered the most famous poems ever composed by the poets of the pre-Islamic era, and they have an important and prominent place in the history of Arabic literature. Specialists differ as to why. The first opinion, which is the opinion of Al-Suyuti, says that they were called “al-Mu’allaqat” because they were written with gold water and hung on the wall of the Holy Kaaba. The second opinion, which is the opinion of Abu Jaafar Al-Nahhas, says that they were called “Mu’allaqat” because if the king liked the poem, he hung it in his treasures. Opinions differed between supporters and opponents.







How to Cite

Dr. Abdul Majeed Baghdadi, & Abida Shaheen. (2023). المعلقات السبع وقدمها في الشعر العربي: The status and antiquity of the Seven Hangings in Arabic poetry DOI: https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.10840631.svg . Research Journal of Religious Thoughts, 2(1), 26–35. Retrieved from https://joreligiousthoughts.com/index.php/Home/article/view/34