معذروں کے ساتھ نبی کریمﷺکارویہ

The Prophet's dealings with excusers : https://zenodo.org/records/10706862 DOI:


  • Muhammad Abbas M.Phil. Scholar, Shaikh Zayed Islamic Centre (SZIC), University of Peshawar
  • Dr.Saira Gul Lecturer of Islamic Studies GGDC, Urmar Peshawar
  • Dr.samiul haq Assistant ProfessorSBB University Sheringal Dir Upper


Keyword: light of the Qur'an and the blessed Ahadith, Biography books. Abdullah Ibn Umm Maktoum


Allah Ta'ala has given me the opportunity to write on the subject of the Holy Prophet's dealings with the disabled in the light of the Qur'an and the blessed Ahadith, and I have reached many conclusions through it.

Definition of Disability: People who are deprived of any organ or any part of the body or the basic principle of physical health are called disabled. Disability can be mental or physical and can be congenital or accidental. A person is said to be in any way lacking from a normal person, whether in walking or hearing or speaking. This person should be gentle in the teachings of Islam and should be taken care of. If necessary, get education and meet the expenses of the government, as it happened that Umar Radiyallahu took care of the expenses of the disabled Companions Radiyallahu Anhu. That is, whatever the needs of life should be met for the disabled person, and this education was given to us by the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, just as the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, took care of Abdullah Ibn Umm Maktoum. Biography books are full.






How to Cite

Muhammad Abbas, Dr.Saira Gul, & Dr.samiul haq. (2023). معذروں کے ساتھ نبی کریمﷺکارویہ: The Prophet’s dealings with excusers : https://zenodo.org/records/10706862 DOI:. Research Journal of Religious Thoughts, 2(1), 50–62. Retrieved from https://joreligiousthoughts.com/index.php/Home/article/view/30