جوامع الکلم سے ماخوذسیاسی اصول و حکم کی توضیح
An explanation of the political principles and orders derived from Jamias al-Kalam. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10675359
Part and partial , evenly, prelude , triumphant, deprived, unfortunately, stability.Abstract
Politics is part and partial of a country to run its matters evenly.Successful politics is prelude to peace and prosperity of common man by representing his needs .Indeed,triumphant politics is destitute of principles and pet rules and regulations.Unfortunately,the world is deprived of such political system which became role model for rest of countries.Islam professes to offer principles which guide whole world on large scale.the last prophet ,representing political idealism gave such principles which provide peace and stability by His precise traditions.Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)gave universal principles of politics on the besis of which a smudge free political system can be designed and run on successful grounds.
How to Cite
Rehana Murid Ali, & Dr.Memoona Rafi Bajwa. (2023). جوامع الکلم سے ماخوذسیاسی اصول و حکم کی توضیح: An explanation of the political principles and orders derived from Jamias al-Kalam. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10675359. Research Journal of Religious Thoughts, 2(1), 29–48. Retrieved from https://joreligiousthoughts.com/index.php/Home/article/view/29