مقاصد الشریعہ کا تاریخی پس منظر اور جدید تفہیم و تطبیق
Historical Background and Modern Understanding and Implementation of Maqasid Ul Shariaah
Allam Ibu Ishaq Shatabi, Maqasid Ul Shariaah, modern jurisprudence problems, modern scientific minds and ideas, historical backgroundAbstract
No order of the Shariaah is empty for any particular purpose, whether our access can reach it or not. It hase been explained in many books in the past eras, but it was not present in the form of a particular art.
First of all, Allam Ibu Ishaq Shatabi regularly devoted a part of his book to it and did the basic technical discussions that could have been done with the Maqasid Ul Shariaah. At this time, this knowledge has been compiled and become a regular art, and this knowledge is very important for solving modern jurisprudence problems and satisfying modern scientific minds and ideas. In this article the historical background and modern understanding and implementation of Maqasid Ul Shariaah have been discussed.
How to Cite
Adnan, & Sadia Sameen. (2022). مقاصد الشریعہ کا تاریخی پس منظر اور جدید تفہیم و تطبیق: Historical Background and Modern Understanding and Implementation of Maqasid Ul Shariaah. Research Journal of Religious Thoughts, 1(01), 1–12. Retrieved from https://joreligiousthoughts.com/index.php/Home/article/view/1