حکومتی و ریاستی عہدیداروں کے لیے امانت و دیانت کا تصور(تعلیمات نبوی ﷺ کی روشنی میں)
Inculcation of Trust and Honesty in Government Officials in the Light of Prophet's Teachings DOI:https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.14202250.svg
Trust, Honesty, Government Officials, Prophet’s Teachings, Seerat-un-NabiAbstract
Amanat has a broad meaning that includes all responsibilities. Islam emphasizes on morals as well as worship and ideals. One of the good morals is trust and honesty, and then trust and honesty are related to wealth, words, advice, authority and position, religion and law. Government posts and positions are the trusts of Allah Almighty whose trustees are the officials and officers who have the powers of promotion and demotion in their hands.These positions are entrusted to them as a trust. If someone will use them for personal purposes and purposes, then this is also a big betrayal. Whoever holds an official position and does not follow the behavior that was told by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is, according to the Seerah , usurping the rights of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).It is the right of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on the people who hold public positions to consider the merits of the position, keeping an eye on the hereafter and for the sake of the final destination , be free from the lust of wordly wealth and prestige and make justice a first priorityin their lives and stay away from dishonesty and nepotism.The heads of institutions and officials should adopt such an attitude that they are seen as servants of the nation in the true sense in the light of the teachings of the Prophet (PBUH) . It is necessary for the government officials and responsible persons to understand their responsibilities from the Holy Quran.